The road not taken analysis
The road not taken analysis

the road not taken analysis

During the present tense the persona saw no difference between the two paths. This theme of myth-making and rationalization can also be related to the way people tend to romanticize their past.

the road not taken analysis

It is only in the last stanza that he claims to recall that the road he took was the one “ less traveled by”. In the second and third stanzas, it is said that both paths are worn and leaf-covered, there is no difference between them. Such lines are said to be ironic since the choice made little or no difference despite the persona’s claims to the contrary. The cornerstone of this interpretation is the last two lines which read “I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference”. Critics think that the poem is about regret, personal myth-making, and rationalizing our decisions. The Ironic Theme is also the one held by critics (Pritchard 2000). In other words, Frost himself took The road not taken and earned success despite the tragedies that accompanied that success. Perhaps Frost is trying to make sense of the numerous tragedies of his life and that these are compensated for. His regrettable tragedies in early life may have been painted into his poem. To add insult to the injury of Robert and Elinor Frost’s six children only two would survive their father.Ĭertainly, Robert Frost lived a tragic life despite his many successes, not the least his Pulitzer prizes and his numerous successful publication of his poems. Robert Frost, for most of his life, seems to be cursed by a demon of depression because his mother, his daughter, and even his wife suffered from depression. Next to go was his sister Jeanie who was committed to a mental institution where she spent the last nine years of her life. Just fifteen years later his mother died of cancer. For example, when he was just 11 his father died of tuberculosis leaving his family to impoverish with a meager $8 in savings. It is not unknown that his life was filled with grief and loss. The crisis of having two choices is already over and the persona must simply bear the benefits or burdens of having made his choice.Īnother support for this interpretation is a reading of Robert Frost’s own life. This theme is supported by the fact that the title of the poem is “The Road Not Taken” which suggests that the road that was not taken has been permanently excluded by the choice of the harsher path. The choice should not be regretted because it was made freely. Once a choice is made it may never be retracted. The choice then is very important to the persona and it must be done with much discretion. Even if he decides that he prefers the other path he will have to backtrack wasting much time to return to the original path. By choosing the road not taken the persona is choosing his path to the exclusion of the other path. This would suppose that the theme of the poem is to glorify those who choose independence and personal freedom over conformity. There is a suggestion in the end that he took the proper road because “the road less traveled” has “made all the difference”. The persona establishes his individuality by choosing the road less taken toward the end. For most of the poem, it appeared that both paths were the same.

the road not taken analysis

Note however that this is only established in the last stanza. The other path had the grass grown tall and the grass wanted to wear, which is to say that it was an untrodden path. In one path the grass has been trodden by numerous people passing through it. He sees that there is an easy path that others take. He can see that there are two paths in the woods and that he can only choose one. He will choose his way.Īs can be seen in the opening paragraph, the persona is in a moment of crisis. The antonym of conformity a non-conformist figuratively as well as does not take the road taken by others. The very title “Road Not Taken” suggests that persona used by the poet is a non-conformist.

the road not taken analysis

Literal Theme of Individualism / Non-Conformity Both themes will be discussed to provide a holistic study of the poem. A more critical interpretation of the theme is that it is about regret and personal mythmaking. From a literal perspective, it is a celebration of individualism and a pain to non-conformity. Like most of Frost’s poems, it is lyrical. The Road Not Taken is Frost’s most quoted poem. Even Frost was amused that people thought that this poem was supposed to be inspirational (Pritchard) Thomas always complained that he should have chosen a different path, hence the road not taken. Frost had intended the poem to be a jest towards his fellow poet and dear friend Edward Thomas.

The road not taken analysis